
Perception of public debt and growth

What is the role of expectations on economic dynamics? Why are countries with comparable levels of debt viewed differently on financial markets? Alain Venditti, researcher at the CNRS and director of the Aix-Marseille School of Economics (AMSE), discusses his article "Growth and Public Debt: What Are the Relevant Trade - Offs? and his career as an economist.

By Alain Venditti

Alain Venditti

Auteur scientifique, CNRS, AMSE

Léa Dispa

Léa Dispa

Journaliste scientifique, Aix-Marseille Université, AMSE

Aurore Basiuk

Aurore Basiuk

Journaliste scientifique


Chéron A., Nishimura K., Nourry C., Seegmuller T., Venditti A., 2019, "Growth and Public Debt: What Are the Relevant Trade ‐ Offs?," Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 51 ( 2-3), 655-682
